laura ferrario

Facing the IRS

laura ferrario

Forget accountants. There’s a better way
to pay your taxes. File your own, a gain
in time and fees, plus ease of use. They say
new software on the Web removes the strain.
Just boot up on the Internet and view
a list of checks and lines prepared and filled
with wages, tips and interest claimed – times two.
One click. Voila! You’re nimble, deft and skilled.
But when I tried, it failed, for nervous sweat
surged over keyboard, desk and mouse. In place
of totals, errors flashed. I went to get
a mother board with extra storage space,
but loading up, it crashed beyond repair,
with data lost and no more time to spare.

An experienced and versatile graphic and visual designer who excels at helping clients solve a wide range of problems with design.